Changing Season av Gail Pan

  • 285.51 SEK
  • 142.75 SEK

Ny bok fra Gail Pan, hvor hun har nye broderier og lappeteknikk. Her tar hun for seg deg forskjellige sesongene som vår,sommer høst,vinter, jul,påske osv.

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Lagersaldo: 4
Artikelnummer: B1493T
Leverantör: Gail Pan

Ny bok fra Gail Pan, hvor hun har nye broderier og lappeteknikk. Her tar hun for seg deg forskjellige sesongene som vår,sommer høst,vinter, jul,påske osv.

"Best-selling author Gail Pan´s sweet and sentimental embroideries take on a delightful new twist! Small patchwork quilts include spaces to spotlight interchangeable embroidery panels, making it easy to replace one pretty piece for another to reflect the time of year. Four types of projects inspired by seasons, holidays, celebrations, and the comforts of home mean there´s always a beautiful stitchery to display. In addition to small quilts and framed art, Gail includes seven embroidered banners for all kinds of occasions that will make even ordinary days special".